Apex Arts
The Apex Arts League has released its schedule for the 2024-2025 season, brimming with popular events across music, art and theater. This year's schedule boasts more events than in years past and will continue to highlight both the Dallas and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestras, Jazz Fest and holiday concerts, as well as a few new performances.
The season kicks off with an Art Demonstration and Wine reception with portrait artist Anastasiya CF on Sept. 8. Then on Sept. 29, Apex will host an art exhibit reception of featured local artists at Southlake Town Hall, while on Nov. 3, the "DSO On The Go" concert truck will be at beautiful North Park for an afternoon outdoor event. The league will host the always-popular Avant Chamber Nutcracker Short and Suite Ballet at White’s Chapel UMC on December 1. The winter holiday schedule will wrap up on Dec. 17 with a Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra holiday performance, also at White’s Chapel.
In total, Apex Arts will host 22 events from Sept. 2024 through June 2025, each following the organization’s mission to promote and advance the arts, artists and arts education close to our homes.
For more information regarding Apex’s upcoming season, visit https://www.apexartsleague.com/events.