2024 Dragon Football Team Captains from L to R: Marcus Brouse, Trent Wilson, Angelo Renda, Davis Penn, Austin Davidge, Brock Boyd and Riley Wormley.
With the football season right around the corner, Southlake Carroll has named its captains for 2024.
Seven players were selected as team captains which includes three seniors and four juniors. While five offensive players were selected, a nod to the scoring potential of these talented players.
Offensive captains include running backs Riley Wormley and Davis Penn and quarterback Angelo Renda. Brock Boyd, the team’s leading returning receiver and lineman Trent Wilson round out the list.
Defensive captains include lineman Austin Davidge and linebacker Marcus Brouse who will be leading a young but talented squad onto the field.
You can catch these captains on the field during the Dragons' first home game of the season against Midland on Aug. 30 at Dragon Stadium.