Elizabeth Stegin
Kiwanis Meet and Greet - 1
Back to School Meet and Greet
Stop by and find out what our recognized Club is about and how we improve our communities one child at a time.
An area we are most proud of includes sponsoring the Key Clubs at our high schools. Our sponsorship, mentorship and financial support allows the student members of these clubs to learn the importance of community service, leadership, team work and even earning scholarships. Key Club members and their parents are also invited to join us.
Our club is seeking new members who want to make a difference, enjoy working with like-minded folks, and enjoy working with kids.
Kiwanis is part of an international service organization and we also provide ongoing support to Miracle League, recognize and award the Annual Heart of Service award to one of our outstanding SRO officers, award the Stalcup Heart of a Dragon Scholarship, and more. The City recognized our club last year for long-time service to the city.
Members will be on-hand to answer your questions and take applications.