A Strong Start
Discover Strength GM On Maximizing Your Workouts

Mike Lewis
Tucker Bounds
What makes Discover Strength different?
At Discover Strength, we know that busy people don't have time to waste on a workout that doesn't work. We understand you’re busy. Discover Strength delivers 30-minute strength workouts twice per week with an expert trainer. We will help you look and feel your best in a fraction of the time.
Is cardio or strength training more effective for losing weight?
Cardio is beneficial for mitigating the risk of cardiovascular disease but is not effective for weight or fat loss. After doing cardio, our EEPA (energy expenditure due to physical activity) decreases for the rest of the day.
Will strength training improve my body composition?
Absolutely – in two primary ways. First, when we add muscle, our resting metabolic rate increases, so we burn more calories at rest and store less fat. Strength training also increases caloric expenditure by 5-9% for 3 days following a workout. More calories burned means less stored fat. Total body training is key because the more muscle tissue we train, the more pronounced this benefit.
Why do we focus on slow movement speed and minimizing momentum?
Slow movement produces better results because the central nervous system is forced to recruit more motor units and muscle fibers when momentum is not helping. It is safer because it reduces the forces imposed on the joints and connective tissue.
What is the importance of workout frequency/rest days?
We don’t get stronger or reap benefits from strength training; we reap benefits when we allow recovery between workouts. Studies indicate that 2 full days of recovery between strength workouts is optimal.
Why is momentary muscle failure the goal as opposed to a set number of reps?
Four reps with a heavy weight or 44 reps with a light weight are the same neuromuscular experience. Strength training to failure is the most important lever that we can pull to increase our caloric expenditure from exercise.
Will strength training improve my cardiovascular health?
Yes, strength training improves cardiovascular function and mitigates cardiovascular disease risk. It also increases the pliability of our blood vessels, reduces resting blood pressure and reduces the risk of death from all causes in men who have high blood pressure.