Behind "Charlie the Dragon" is Carroll senior and member of The Crew Grace Unruh.
If you’re looking for school spirit, you came to the right place.
Meet Grace Unruh, card-carrying member of Dragon Nation. She’s part of Southlake Carroll’s rowdy group of rallying seniors, The Crew. We got Grace to share three of her favorite Friday night football traditions with us. Here they are, in her words:
1. My favorite Dragon Football Tradition happens at the opening kickoff. Everyone connects their pinky fingers, yells as loud as they can until the ball is kicked. I love this because it gets everyone energized and ready to cheer on the team.
2. When the Carroll Dragons play, The Crew goes crazy. You can find us celebrating a touchdown in the end zone, watching the cheerleaders tumble and running out to do pushups for every point we score, whether it’s 8 or 56. After winning a game, The Crew, mascots, Emerald Belles, and cheerleaders all run onto the field together, link hands, and form the "Senior Circle” to sing the Alma Mater.
3. On game day, The Crew and I show our Texas Spirit by waving the state flag while running across the field to emphasize our love for our home city and state. Friday nights really bring the Southlake community together; everyone comes to the games to cheer on our boys.
Along with The Crew, you’ll find Ozarka brand water at Dragon Stadium for each home game, supporting the Southlake Carroll Dragons and the tradition of Friday Night Lights.
Do you share a passion for #TexasTradition? Let us know! Visit or tweet to @OzarkaSpringWtr to tell us about your #TexasTradition.