Attorney to Know: Kate Smith

Kate Smith
Legal Tip: Always consider resolving your dispute before going to court. Litigation is expensive and generally doesn’t result in a “win” for anyone.
Type Of Law: Kate Smith has been board certified in family law since 2015 and is a master credentialed collaborative lawyer. She takes all family law cases, estate planning and probate cases and has a master of laws in dispute resolution, focusing on keeping clients out of the courtroom as much as possible.
Community Involvement: Aside from living in Southlake for 20 years, Kate has also served on the zoning board of adjustment, the planning and zoning commission, Bob Jones Nature Center, National Charity League Southlake chapter, Leadership Southlake and the Southlake Chamber of Commerce.
Accolades: Kate was recognized as a “Super Lawyer Rising Star” from 2015-2017 and as a “Top Attorney” every year since 2006.