By Tina Auten, Staff Writer
Featuringbrupbeat music and fast-paced dance numbers, Carroll Theatre's fall production ofbrLegally Blonde The Musical earned 15brnominations from the Schmidt and Jones Awards sponsored by Lyric Stage, Dallas.brThe list of 2012-2013 award nominees was released earlier this week andbrincludes high schools in Dallas, Tarrant, and Collin counties.
“Carroll Theatre Department is honored to have had the opportunity tobrparticipate in the Schmidt and Jones Awards,” says Stacie Martinsen, CarrollbrTheatre's director. “Their commitment to improving artistic excellence inbrhigh school theatre departments is a welcome change to financial burdens andbrcuts that all educational organizations are facing each year. We arebrproud of our students, our staff, our administrators and our supportive parentsbrfor dedicating themselves, their time and their hearts to making Dragon Drama abrgreat place for kids to grow in their journey as artists and citizens.”
Nominationsbrfor Carroll Theatre include:
Best Musical– Legally Blonde
BestbrOrchestra – Carroll Senior HS
Excellencebrin Choreography – Heather Wang
Best Actressbrin a Leading Role – Sara Faris
Best Actorbrin a Supporting Role – John Harvey and Daniel Scandura
Best Actressbrin a Supporting Role – Kaylyn Buckley and Ashley Nordahl
Best Actorbrin a Minor Role – Colton Hess
Best Actressbrin a Minor Role – Devin Berg and Kristine Lahde
Best MalebrEnsemble Performer – Mason Kuhn and Steven Riedel
Best FemalebrEnsemble Performer – Giselle Drake
Excellencebrin Costume Design – Jordan Jones
A panel ofbrjudges consisting of theatre professionals and theatre educators viewbrproductions of accepted applicants from North Texas high schools before makingbrnominations in various performance and design categories. The panel votes to determine a winner forbreach category, and an awards gala is held to honor the winning students. Winners from the Schmidt and Jones Awardsbrtravel to New York to compete at the National High School Musical TheatrebrAwards.
The NationalbrHigh School Musical Theater Awards recognizes and honors excellence in studentbrperformances across the country with more than 50,000 students participatingbrannually. Thirty professional theatres throughout the nation sponsor thebrcompetitions and include local theatres Lyric Stage, Casa Manana, and DallasbrSummer Musicals.
Production Photos courtesy of Rex Teter Photography.