Give yourself and your family the gift of relaxation to start the holidays off right!
I didn't need anything or anybody… except the kind womanbrwhose gifted hands were so soothingly handling my tired feet.
Pedicure, you assume? brWell. This was more than the typicalbrpedicure!
It was a tranquil, peaceful, “forget about it all”brsleep-inducing escape from my non-stop grind where I seem to rotate hatsbrlabeled, ‘wife,' ‘mom,' ‘daughter,' ‘sister' and ‘reporter' with the quickness.
You see -- one of my girlfriends told me about a day spa inbrSouthlake where you can enjoy a pedicure while, at the same time, recline withbryour feet up, listen to soft music and relax (if you choose) with a soft eyebrpillow mask on your eyelids.
And yes, if not careful, it can be dangerously addicting.
I'd been looking for a spa like this ever since I moved backbrto Texas from northern California. Therebrwas a little spot in Concord, California I'd become a big fan of and they didbrpedicures there the exact same way.
At any rate, the search is over and my feet are in lovebragain!
But let me get to the point. brI set up this whole pedicure scene for a reason.
If you've ever gone to a spa for some pampering, you know theybrgive you the plush robe and slippers when you check-in. And you know, after that, they lead you backbrto the quiet, beautiful place where you slip off your street clothes and wrapbrup in that soft, comfy robe.
Well—here's where you should stop! At this point you have to realize something verybrimportant before going any further.
You must recognize there's more to get rid of than yourbrclothes.
You have to remove all of the holiday mind clutter you walked inbrwith. That's right! Forget about your child's science projectbrthat's due in two days and not even half way finished. Strip away the stress that accumulated while planningbryour picky sister's birthday dinner. Andbrdon't even think about that mountain of laundry waiting for you to tend tobrit. Trust. It'll be there whenever you return.
What I'm trying to say is— when we give ourselves permissionbrto “completely” enjoy some quality time alone, without distractions, we arebrmore likely to emerge with a better outlook on life and all of the things thatbrmatter most. What a novel thought during the stressful holiday season.
I spent two hours at the spa that day. That's not a tremendous amount of time. But you better believe when I walked out ofbrthat door and hopped into my car, I felt special, rejuvenated and ready to tackle all the season has to offer.
Most of all, I was pleased that I'd given myself a gift, the gift ofbrrenewing my spirit so I could offer it to others in its truest sense.
The bottom line is this—I have to be the best me… in orderbrto be the best mom, wife, sister, career woman and overall person I can be.
Oh and psssst…. When I'm not doing those things…you justbrmight find me quietly reclining at the Corinthian Wellness Spa in Southlake.
Dionne Anglin is a TV news reporter with FOX 4 News. She, her husband, daughter and their rambunctious dog, a one-year old Vizsla, live in North Keller. Dionne is always looking for new ways to explore her North Tarrant County community… and that often includes the lure of new restaurants, shops and jogging at different parks—but also the quest for locating cozy spots to enjoy coffee and plain old people watching. Check out her blog to keep up with her adventures in maintaining a career and “mom-dom” with a unique sense of style at