CLASSmates ask questions at the 2013 student panel.
School News by David J. Faltys Ed.D., Superintendent CISD
Do you ever wonder what it takes for an idea to spreadbrlike wildfire? How does word travel from one coast to another as ideas takebrroot, a movement grows in strength or a fad becomes a phenomenon? Who decidesbrToms are cool to wear? Admit it: At one point, you paid good money for a BeaniebrBaby, Silly Bandz or an N*SYNC concert ticket.
What makes “Protect The Tradition” a Dragon state of mind? How did our logo become so easilybrrecognizable? Who passes along information about CISD to those who need to knowbrit? In his book, The Tipping Point, MalcolmbrGladwell takes an intellectual look at change and information. One of mybrfavorite parts of the book looks back at the early history of mavens like PaulbrRevere. He was said to have met secretly for months inside The Green DragonbrTavern in Boston, sharing information in preparation for a possible uprisingbragainst the British. You can still visit this historic location on one of thebroldest cobblestone streets in the city. What many people don’t realize is thatbrhis friend, William Dawes, traveled in the opposite direction to spread thebrsame message the night the British came. Only Paul Revere is remembered for thebrride because his reputation and connections made people listen and heed hisbrwarning.
Mavens are trusted experts in abrparticular field who set out to impart their knowledge to others. Gladwellbrsuggests that mavens act most effectively when they collaborate with connectors,brpeople who have a wide network of casual acquaintances by whom they arebrtrusted. They can easily and widely distribute the advice or insights of abrmaven so that an idea or a message catches on.
Carroll ISD's best example ofbrusing this concept to build community support is through the Carroll LeadershipbrAcademy for Supporting Success (CLASS). The program began in 2008 as a way tobrgive mavens and connectors firsthand knowledge of the inner workings of thebrCarroll school district in hopes of increasing public understanding and supportbrfor Carroll ISD. This program is designed to ensure that patrons of CISD — connected,brrespected leaders in this community — are armed with facts about their schoolbrdistrict.
CLASSmates, as they arebraffectionately known, spend a year meeting, touring and learning about thebrdistrict before graduating from the program during a school board meeting. Severalbrpast participants include local realtors, parent volunteers, business leadersbrand even Southlake Mayor John Terrell. Participation in CLASS is by invitation,brbut campus principals, the superintendent's cabinet and the board of trusteesbrcan all submit nominations. Topics covered include school finance, operations,brclassroom instruction, governance and policies and more. The group is also usedbras a focus group, giving CISD valuable input and feedback before makingbrdecisions.
Thank you to all of our CLASSbrgraduates since 2008 who gave time out of their busy schedules to learn morebrabout Carroll ISD at our monthly meetings. I'd like to think the men and womenbrwho have graduated from CLASS are our own green Dragons — and that by educatingbrthese mavens and connectors, we are establishing a group of key communicatorsbrwithin our area through which others can learn about our district.
Dr. David Faltys serves as Superintendent of Carroll Independent School District, the largest 5A Exemplary district in the state of Texas. He was named by the 2010 Region XI Superintendent of the Year after being nominated for the award by his local School Board.