Parents of children with ADHD oftenbrnote excessive hyperactivity in their children, such as continuous fidgetingbrand squirming. Children with ADHD can work with a child behavioral expert tobrresolve the underlying cause of their troublesome symptoms. This type ofbrprogram should include a physical exercise component, especially since clinicalbrresearch has demonstrated that there is a strong connection between movementbrand a child’s ability to focus properly.
Mind-Body Connection
Researchers have long known that the mind and thebrbody mutually support each other. Research has shown that when children engagebrin a mentally challenging activity, they are able to focus better when theybrmoved around. More movement was required when the mental task required thebrprocessing of information, which explains why children with ADHD are capable ofbrsitting still to play a video game, yet they fidget in the classroom.brFurthermore, researchers found that children with ADHD displayed a need tobrmove around more thanbrchildren with typical development.
Physical Activity and Brain Activity
Researchers have foundbrthat physical activity affects the brain in several key ways. When a childbrmoves around, his brain produces higher levels of neurotransmitters.brSpecifically, levels of dopamine and norepinephrine increase. Thesebrneurotransmitters are a type of chemical that are responsible for lengtheningbrone's attention span and improving the ability to focus.
Academic Engagement
Teachersbrhave long known that the incidence rates of ADHD in the U.S. are at epidemicbrproportions. It's perhaps unsurprising that some teachers have changed theirbrclassrooms to reflect the need for kids with ADHD to move around more thanbrother kids. While this trend may not yet be widespread, some students can takebradvantage of desks that adjust to allow them to stand and that have moveablebrfootrests for controlled fidgeting. And at least one high school has outfittedbra special reading room with exercise bikes to allow kids to cycle whilebrreading. Teachers who implement these changes rave about the enhanced abilitybrof kids to engage with the academic material.
At The Brain Balance Achievement Centers, your childbrcan work on a customized activity plan that includes physical exercises specificallybrdesigned to support cognitive function. We believe in a drug-free, whole-childbrapproach to addressing child behavior issues. Parents are invited to schedule an assessment by calling our location in Southlake at (817)br416-9828.
Brain Balance Achievement Centers offer the Brain Balance Program ® in 54 nationwide locations. The Brain Balance Program® is an individualized and comprehensive approach to helping children with neurobehavioral and learning difficulties surmount their unique challenges.
This proprietary, non-medical program has been successful in helping thousands of kids reach their physical, social/behavioral health and academic potential. We work with children who suffer with ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette's, Asperger's and Autism Spectrum Disorders.