In July, the Carroll ISDbrschool board appointed Michelle Moore as the newest Place 1 Trustee. She fillsbrthe vacancy left after Trustee Craig Rothmeier resigned in May. Moore willbrserve on the Board until the May 2016 election when voters will elect abrcandidate to serve out the remaining final year for Place 1. Moore can decidebrwhether or not to run in the May 2016 election. The seat will come up forbrelection again in May 2017.
Moore has been anbractive volunteer in Carroll ISD serving in multiplebrcapacities. She is a board member on the Carroll Education Foundationbrand serves as the Grants Committee Chair. Moore was also a member of thebrdistrict's Strategic Planning Committee and is active in the PTO. Thisbryear, she was recognized as the Eubanks Intermediate School Volunteer of thebrYear.
We caught up with Moore tobrget her take on CISD and why she's passionate about volunteering within thebrdistrict.
Southlake Style: Why did you choose to step in and fill thebrschool board vacancy?
Michelle Moore: I had a personal goal to run for School Board, but I wanted to waitbruntil my youngest child had completed elementary school. Although we stillbrhave one more year to go, the opportunity to serve now was one that I could notbrpass up. I believe my professional work experience at the United NegrobrCollege Fund combined with my extensive volunteer involvement in CISD have preparedbrme well for this role. I am honored to have been appointed and lookbrforward to serving the Dragon community in this capacity.
SS: What would you say isbrCarroll ISD’s greatest asset?
Moore: That’sbra hard question. There are so many great assets in Carroll ISD … talentedbrstudents, outstanding schools, excellent teachers, committed leaders, engagedbrparents, etc. If I had to pick just one, I believe it’s our Dragonbrtradition of excellence. This tradition sets us apart from schoolbrdistricts across the nation and brings us together as a community to meet thebrneeds of each student and help them achieve excellence. I am proud to be abrDragon and am grateful to be in a school district that truly does what it canbrto help each student reach their full potential.
SS: In what ways can thebrdistrict improve?
Moore: Havingbrparticipated in the Strategic Planning process, I’m excited to support andbrlearn more about the many action items recommended to improve our schools andbrempower students to be active participants in their own learning. Ibrbelieve the Strategic Plan will be an excellent road map to improving thebrDistrict overall and ensuring that we are striving to be better and do better.
SS: What do you findbrmost fulfilling about volunteering within Carroll ISD?
Moore: Givingbrback to our schools and the Southlake community over the past six years hasbrbeen one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It’s hard forbrme to say “no” when asked to help because I want to use my time andbrprofessional skills and experience to help in any way I can, particularly tobrsupport our students and schools. I have met and developed friendshipsbrwith some of the most amazing and generous parents, teachers, administratorsbrand community members through my volunteer roles. And, I believe I havebrset a great example for my kids that serving one’s community and making abrdifference can truly be life changing.