For thebrfirst time in its history, GRACE Grapevine has launched a mobile food pantry. Itbrwas created for the GRACE Grocery Giveaway, a program that uses food andbrproduce donations received at the end of the week to be enjoyed by familiesbrover the weekend.
Thebrorganization aims to serve nearly 40,000 meals to at-risk children during thebrsummer months – and it's calling for the community to help achieve this goal.
Corporatebrpartners, civic groups and faith-based groups can serve as community volunteersbrand meal sponsors for Feed Our Kids, a program that was started in 2005 tobrprovide lunch for area children during the summer weeks when they may notbrreceive one.
For asbrlittle as $2 per child, a local group or business can adopt a day or workweekbrto host the meals. Groups also have the option of sponsoring the meals forbrother groups to host.
Dependingbron the site and type of meal, the average cost each day ranges between $100 andbr$500. Groups are encouraged to bring games and engage with the children,bralthough it's not a requirement.
Want tobrlearn more about how to get involved? GRACE is hosting a volunteer kick-off Maybr12 at First United Methodist Church Grapevine at the Heritage campus acrossbrfrom Colleyville High School. The kick-off runs from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
To learnbrmore about GRACE and its programs, visit