It was a packed ballroom at the DFW Hilton Lakes on Aprilbr24 for GRACE's Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. Kevin Archer of ProvidentialbrRealty Partners received the top honor from Grapevine Relief And CommunityExchange (GRACE): Volunteer of the Year. Archer’s volunteer work has benefittedbrGRACE for more than a decade, including his service on the GRACE Gala committeebrsince 2012.
Archer played an integral role in the purchase of thebrbuilding adjacent to the Food Pantry and Community Clinic building and providedbrhis expertise on increasing GRACE's accessibility to a larger population.
“It's our pleasure to serve GRACE, because we love howbr[GRACE] changes the lives of people who didn't know where else to turn orbrchildren at risk for hunger, and families who need to be strong again,” Archerbrsaid in a press release.
GRACE works to mobilize the human resources of itsbrcommunity, helping men and women employ their vocational talents and expertisebrto serve those less fortunate.
In 2014, volunteers contributed nearly 54,000 hoursbrserving nearly 2,000 people, and more than $1.3 million in labor and in-kindbrservices were provided, according to Texas state standards of volunteer values.
Program Volunteers of the Year were:
Food Pantry: Janie Stewart and BonniebrPasienski
Clothing Room: StaceybrBrooks
Emergency Assistance: David Rea
Donation Station: DorothybrMattingly
GRACEful Buys: D'RaybrRice
Style & GRACE: SusanbrMolster
Clinic: AlmabrRamirez
Friends & Family: Terry Meyers
Board Member: JohnbrElieson
Transitional Housing:First Baptist Church of Grapevine
Youth: ConnorbrGleghorn
Development/Special Events: Stacey and Chris Archer
Seasonal Programs: AudreybrMiller
Volunteer Group: ThebrChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints