City View by John Terrell, Mayor of Southlake
In October, the city invited thebrresidents of Southlake to participate in the 2013 Citizens Satisfaction Survey.brFor more than 10 years, the city has made the survey a cornerstone of strategicbrplanning and development, and I'd like to take a moment this month to explainbrwhy.
Back in 2009,brwe received a message from our citizens that was loud and clear — the citybrneeded more sidewalks and to be more pedestrian friendly. City staff got tobrwork and came up with a plan to help determine where the sidewalks should bebrconstructed. We even won a grant that helped pay for many of the sidewalks currentlybrbeing built on Southlake Boulevard. The proof: More than 35,000 linear feet ofbrsidewalk has been constructed since 2009. But even with six-plus miles of new,brwalkable surfaces, we still have a ways to go, but I have every confidence thatbrwe will get there.
Anotherbrexample is safety and security. Did you know that NETCOM, the city's jointbremergency 911 partnership with the cities of Keller, Colleyville and Westlake,brreceived more than 144,000 calls for service in 2012? You told us in 2009 andbragain in 2011 that emergency response and preparedness was important. InbrSouthlake, the fire department is using information from each call to reducebrresponse times. Because no matter where you live, it's critical that emergencybrhelp be there in a matter of minutes.
What I thinkbris important to emphasize is the city's willingness to listen to the feedbackbrit receives and find solutions for now and in the future. That means morebrsidewalks with a long-term commitment to build them in existing neighborhoodsbrand new developments; improved safety for students, with a police officer atbrevery CISD school; supporting businesses, both large and small, that choose tobrmake Southlake home; and many other things. All of this is possible because ofbrwhat you told us in surveys, phone calls, letters or simple conversations.
Although thebrcity provides many ways for you to tell us what you think, the survey is ourbropportunity to really focus on specific areas that you have told us arebrimportant. We take the results very seriously and over the next 18 to 20 months,bryou will see the results of the 2013 survey come alive. If you participated in thisbryear's survey, thank you. If you didn't, there are still many other ways to letbrus hear from you. Go to and click on the Contact Us page,brwhich will give you access to all departments in the city including the city council. Also, consider using social media sites likebrFacebook and Twitter to connect with us. If it's during business hours, pleasebrcall us at 817-748-8400.
Finally, Ibrhope that you have marked Nov. 23 on your calendar for the city’sbrannual Home for the Holidays celebration. This year, I’ve been told the snowbrhill will be bigger and better than ever and our tree lighting will kick off abrseason of fun and giving the whole family can enjoy together. To get the fullbrdetails, please visit Southlake Home For The Holidays.
See you in Southlake!
John Terrell, vice president of commercial development for DFW Airport, has spent countless volunteer hours in service to the City of Southlake. He served two terms on the city council prior to becoming elected Southlake's Mayor in 2009 and again in 2012. Married to wife Joanne and father to two Dragons, the 2012 Southlake Citizen of the Year has called Southlake home for more than 15 years.