There's a lot to lovebrabout Southlake's annual Stars & Stripes Independence Day celebration. Ofbrcourse there are the fireworks, and there are also the concessions, activities,brand music, just to name a few. The National Anthem is always music to our earsbr– but especially on the Fourth of July and when it is performed by someone asbrtalented as Jayden Goldberg.
This 15-year-oldbrSouthlake resident helped kick off this year's patriotic ceremony by performingbrthe National Anthem after a flyover by a WWII A-26 invader. Jayden has takenbrvoice lessons since age nine and has specialized in classical music since shebrwas 13. Jayden's musical talents have led to many opportunities includingbrperforming for the Dallas Stars and the Texas Rangers. She has even performedbras a soloist in Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
Wherever her talents takebrher, we're proud to say that Jayden is from Southlake and that she helped makebrthis year's holiday one to remember.
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