As the runners take their marks, the crowd buzzes withbranticipation. Flashes and cheers excite the athletes even more—each competitorbrvying to have the fastest time across the finish line. Will Roxy be able tobrdefend her championship title or will another runner claim the prize?
“On your mark, get set…GO!”
And they’re off! Streaks of auburn lightening with tinybrlittle legs! The wiener dogbrraces will play out like this on Saturday, October 4, at OktoberfestbrSouthlake.
With nearly 200 competitors last year, the wiener dogbrcostume parade and wiener dog races are undoubtedly the most popular elementsbrof the annual German festival in Southlake Town Square. Oktoberfest Southlakebrwill open for a 13th year this weekend, Friday, October 3 throughbrSunday, October 5.
The beloved dog events will be in a prime area this year,brlocated in the Sports Zone on thebrstreet in front of Mi Cocina, allowing for a bigger track for the competitorsbrand better viewing for the spectators. All of the action will be broadcast livebron the 9x16 foot GoVision big screen.
Former American Idolbrfinalist and Texas native Celena Rae will emcee the events, starting with the wiener dog costume parade at 9:30 a.m., followed by the wiener dog races atbr10:00 a.m. Proud Dachshund owners may register their dogs for the competitions online for a $20 fee or at the event for a $25 fee.
The wiener dog events are made possible due in part to ParkbrPlace Motorcars Mercedes-Benz of
Grapevine, the event sponsor, and 20+brdedicated volunteers.
After what is sure to be an incredible display of athleticbrprowess, stop by Clayton’s K-9 Cookies dog treat stand, an entrepreneurialbrventure started by an elementary school boy from Keller. With help from his bigbrsister who manages social media for the business, Clayton has been sellingbrcanine treats at dog parks since 2010.
Watching the adorable parade and races has been known tobrgive people puppy fever. Not to worry, you can adopt a furry friend of yourbrown. Dachshund Lovers of Texas Rescue is a foster-based, no-kill rescue programbrlocated in Dallas. With dozens of dogs needing new homes, the organization isbrthe perfect option for someone considering adoption. Be sure to stop by thebrorganization’s booth and visit with representatives.
The Bella Foundation will also be on site. In an effort tobrraise awareness about over- euthanization of pets, the Oklahoma non-profitbrassists low-income, elderly and terminally ill pet owners who are unable tobrafford veterinary care for their animals. If assistance is given, the pet ownerbrmust agree to volunteer eight hours of time to their local shelter.
Don’t miss one moment of the excitement! Bring your familybr(including the four legged members) to Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest Southlake offers free admission and parking.brHours of operation are Friday 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. tobr11:00 p.m., and Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Oktoberfest Southlake is hosted by the Southlake Chamber of Commerce. Forbrmore information, call 817-481-8200 or go to