2014 Best Mom Essay Contest
For its ninth annual Best Mom Essay Contest, Southlake Style was honored to presentbrthe Best Mom award and prize package to another deserving mother. Old UnionbrElementary fourth grader Kendall Lyman wrote a heartfelt paper about her lovingbrand creative mom, whose “warm, kind smile always brightens my day.” KellybrLyman, unaware that teachers, students and staff were waiting for her in thebrschool’s library, was immediately overcome with emotion when she realized what wasbrhappening. After Kendall read her winning essay aloud to the group, Kellybrreceived more than $2,000 worth of gifts from retailers including Grayson Allenbrand Bludoor Studios. Tears were flowing, but they were happy tears as Kendallbrand Kelly shared a special moment that they will always remember.
Best Mom in Southlake
By Kendall Lyman
My mom's hug lasts long after she lets go. She is the mostbrcreative, loving and fun mother in all of Southlake. I am very glad to be herbrdaughter.
There arebrnot many moms more creative than mine. She is always working on some artisticbrproject like designing my sister's room. Once when we moved to our new house,brmine had nothing in it, but when I came back from camp, I found my roombrcompletely decorated. My mom is very creative.
My mom isbralso one of the most loving moms in Southlake. She can always help you when youbrare feeling down or understand when you do something wrong. Her warm, kindbrsmile always brightens my day. My mom's love never ends.
My mom isbrvery fun, too. She always had ideas on what to do in our free time, like goingbron a bike ride or having a friend over. There is never a wasted second aroundbrmy mom.
There arebrmany moms in Southlake, though I feel my mom is the best mom there is becausebrshe is creative, loving and fun. I am very lucky to be her daughter.
Special thanks tobrthose who donated gifts for this year's Best Mom
Grayson Allen Fine Jewelers
Bludoor Studios
Corinthian Wellness Spa
Smart Bronze
Hilton Southlake
Sunstone Yoga