The first day ofbrschool is August 25 and the Southlake Women's Club is there to help parents andbrstudents get ready for the big day. Forbrfifteen years and counting the charitable group's annual School Supply Sale hasbrbeen servicing local parents and teachers by providing pre-packaged,brCISD-approved school supplies. Over the years the event has raised over $300,000,brwhich gets distributed directly to CISD campuses to provide additionalbreducational materials.
Jennifer Barry, thisbryear's Southlake Women's Club School Supply Chair says, “It's our way of givingbrback to the community. It is a wonderful event that brings SWC, CISD andbrour parents and families together and all the proceeds go back to thebrparticipating schools. It's a win-win for everyone involved.”
The Southlake Women's Club,br(2011brSouthlake Style Community Impact Award Winners) want shoppers to know thatbrall sales are tax-free during the one day live event sale to be held Saturday,brAugust 9, at Carroll High School from 7:00am – 4:00pm.
As the parent of 8-year old tripletsbrherself, Barry knows how stressful back to school shopping can be. She's happybrto be part of the school supply sale and says, “Our one-stop shopping offersbrparents the convenience of getting their child's supplies quickly and withoutbrthe hassle of dealing with the back-to-school mayhem. The SWC schoolbrsupply sale makes the experience easy and fun for the whole family.”
This year's participatingbrschools include; Carroll Elementary, Johnson Elementary, Old Union Elementary,brWalnut Grove Elementary, Durham Intermediate, Eubanks Intermediate, CarrollbrMiddle School and Dawson Middle School.