The Crossmen return for another thrilling Showcase in the Square on Father's Day.
By Tina Auten, Staff Writer
ThisbrFather's Day, Showcase in the Square returns to Southlake and oncebragain features the elite Crossmen World Class Drum Corps. Formed 38 years agobrin Pennsylvania, the Crossmen have been Drum Corps International (DCI) WorldbrClass Champion finalists 23 times during their history and moved to San Antoniobrin 2006 to become the only DCI drum & bugle corps in Texas. Veteran tubabrplayer Jordan Schock, whose parents founded Showcase in the Square, will return as abrmember; he auditioned at the ripe age of 15 and earned a coveted spot in thebrhorn section. Currently in his fourthbryear, he has stepped up to become one of three drum majors.
Being a part of the corps isbrhard work, to say the least — membership is limited to students aged 14–21 whobrundergo a rigorous and highly selective audition process. Once selected, members must commit to monthlybrcamps in San Antonio followed by four intensive weeks of spring training in Maybrbefore finally hitting the road in June. brThe Crossmen log more than 10,000 miles over the course of the summerbrand perform at more than 35 sanctioned events.
It takesbrfour chartered buses, a semi-truck, box truck, RV with trailer and mobilebrkitchen to keep this elite group of musicians fed and transported across thebrcountry. Alumni and volunteers help withbrkitchen work for a week to 10 days at a time alongside a full-time cook who isbrcharged with providing four meals a day to each of the members, who burnbrapproximately 6,000 calories per day while on tour. Staying hydrated is a constant battle inbrsummer heat, so each member consumes approximately 4–5 gallons of water everybrday.
“I'vebrbecome my own individual in a place where you're like a cog in a machine,”brJordan says of his training, which includes early wake-up calls, four-hourbrblocks of music and marching techniques, music rehearsal and practice on thebr‘easy bake oven,' the nickname of the stadium they use that averages betweenbr115–120 degrees. “I know who I am, what I like, what I don't like — and [beingbra member of the Crossmen] opened my eyes on how to make decisions. We eat,brsleep, play and breathe together twenty-four-seven.”