By Christina Mlynski
As the NFL playoffs continue, the next big game that is surebrto be channeled on everyone's TV is the AFC Divisional Playoff Game between thebrDenver Broncos and San Diego Chargers.
Rockenbaugh Elementary first grader Carter Lind will notbronly be attending the game, but participating. The seven-year-old is competingbrin the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick National Final on Sunday during the playoffsbrgame.
An impressive 40 athletes from across the country willbrcompete in the event. Lind is one of four competitors in the six to seven agebrgroup. News of Lind success had gained attention from friends, staff andbrclassmates throughout Southlake.
All participants will launch two punts, two passes and twobrkicks with scores based on distance and accuracy. The best score from each activitybris tabulated to determine each competitor's total.
The younger competitors, including Lind, advanced to thebrnational finals through local, sectional and team championship competitionsbrheld through the NFL regular season. The top four scorers in each age groupbrthen qualify as national finalists.
Lind will represent the Dallas Cowboys, wearing the blue andbrsilver of his hometown team. Lind was provided airfare, hotel accommodationsbrand tickets to the game.
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