July 2014
Mark your calendar for this year's annual celebration!
It doesn't matter if you're a Stars & Stripes veteran orbryou're new in town — this Fourth of July fiesta is a can't-miss.brOn July 3, the games begin at 6 p.m. (see our digital events guide) with patriotic music throughout SouthlakebrTown Square’s parks: Frank Edgar Cornish, IV, McPherson and Rustin Pavilion. Attendeesbrwill be treated to the musical stylings of Limelight, a 10-piece party band thatbrentertains audiences with a high-energy show and musical range comprisingbrdecades of classics as well as current hits. Additionally, rising country star andbrDFW resident Derek Anthony will perform twice throughout the night. Anthony’sbrdebut album, Cowboy Way, was releasedbrthis past December and features 11 songs, including “Give it To Me Strait” andbr“Pontiac Girl.”
The funbrcontinues with a plethora of activities the kids will enjoy, from candy art andbrballoon artists to strolling costumed characters like Uncle Sam, whilebrconcession favorites like Dippin' Dots, Feedstore BBQ and Fletcher's Corny Dogsbrmake their return this year. Of course, the fireworks show will commence atbr9:30 p.m. and is sure to be a spectacular, showstopping display of brilliantbrlights. Don't forget to put your patriotism on full display with one of this year'sbrStars & Stripes T-shirts, currently on sale in Southlake Town Hall.