Thebr“Texas Turnaround” bridge at Carroll Avenue and State Highway 114 is officiallybropen. The new turnaround bridge will greatly reduce traffic congestionbrespecially during peak hours. It will also improve traffic safety by creating abrseparate turn lane for drivers, who will notice improved traffic flow and lessbrcongestion with the addition of the “Texas Turnaround.” Gateway Churchbrattendees will find their commute to be much quicker and safer turning into andbroff of Blessed Way.
The “Texas Turnaround” project has been a joint event with severalbrpartners. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Tarrant County,brGateway Church, Cooper and Stebbins (Southlake Town Square Development) and thebrCity of Southlake. “This has been an exceptional partnership said PublicbrWorks Director Bob Price. He added, “The real beneficiaries are thebrCity's citizens and visitors who will find the flow of traffic moving muchbrsmoother because of the new ‘Texas Turnaround.'”