Always Be Charging – with the Voltaic Array Solar LaptopbrCharger
In today's hyper-electronic world, keeping connected meansbrkeeping batteries charged no matter where you go. The Array Solar Laptop Charger seems to bebrthe perfect backpack for active students on the go. The lightweight (5.5 lbs),brwaterproof pack is made from recycled PET (soda bottles) and is sufficientlybrpadded to keep all of your valuables safe and organized.
Even more impressive are the three onboard 3.4-watt solarbrpanels, which generate up to 10 watts of peak output. For the rest of us that means one hour ofbrdirect sunlight provides up to 30 minutes of laptop runtime. And just 90brminutes of sunlight is enough to fully charge your cellphone. The included V72 universalbrlaptop battery charges efficiently from solar and stores power for use anytimebrday or night. Connect to laptops via 10 standard adapters. Charge cellphones,brcameras and more from the USB port using your own cable or the standard minibrand micro USB adapters. When not in thebrsun, it can be charged using the included DC car or AC chargers, making it justbras useful on the grid as off.
Three solar panels
Made from recycled water bottles