Scott and Vanessa Martindale aim to help millions of blended families around the world with their brand new book, “Blended & Redeemed: The Go-To Field Guide For The Modern Family.”
Founding the Blended Kingdom Families organization in 2020, Scott and Vanessa Martindale have a passion to encourage blended families and married couples and help them aspire toward successful relationships. In partnership with XO Publishing, this couple aims to help families have a smooth transition toward living in a blended home.
“They know from personal experience what couples must go through to bring two lives and two families together,” says Jimmy Evans, XO Marriage President and founder, via media release. “In ‘Blended and Redeemed,' Scott and Vanessa chart a path for remarried couples around the hazards that can often sidetrack blended families.”
The book was released on Sept. 13. You can purchase it online at Amazon.com or XOMarriage.com.