Dignity For All Texas Students (DATS) has always stood up for Southlake. Now thanks to a $10,000 grant, it can stand stronger than ever before.
A local nonprofit championing for a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, DATS was one of 11 DFW nonprofits selected to earn a $10,000 racial equity grant from Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation. As a grant recipient, DATS will be rolling out a new program initiative in 2023 called “Stand Up Southlake," which includes launching a newsletter, hosting quarterly community events and offering advocacy opportunities for students and community members. According to a media release, their first community event will kick off in late February, which also coincides with Black History Month.
“Since 2019, 50 amazing organizations in Dallas and Tarrant County have received over $500,000 in racial equity grants through their participation in Dallas TRHT’s Racial Equity NOW Cohort,” Dallas TRHT executive director Jerry Hawkins says via media release. “We are extremely proud of the racial equity, racial healing and racial justice work that our community partners have embarked, and Dallas TRHT looks forward to adding to the number of organizations committed to creating a more racially equitable DFW.”
To stay up to date on DATS’ community engagement or see how you can help, visit DignityForAllTexasStudents.org.