Freshness is what sets Frezko Taco Spot apart from other tacobrjoints in the area. That’s what the name means: fresh taco spot.brThere are no freezers or can openers in this hidden gem of abrrestaurant that’s tucked off Southlake Boulevard near 114. OwnerbrEliazar Salinas believes in serving all-natural, authentic foodbrexactly how you’d get it in Mexico. No Tex-Mex. No fusion. Justbrstraight-up street tacos and homemade Mexican
Frezko Taco Spot’s menu features Nuevo Leon-style food,brwhich is different than most Mexican restaurants in Dallas/Ft.brWorth. “This style is more grilled meat and more ranch-handbrfood – kind of like cowboy food here in Texas,” Salinas
When you step inside, you order just as you would at otherbrtaco places – going down the line

choosing your meat andbrtoppings. Options include a burrito, tacos (four to an order),brsalad, and papa asada, which is a Texas-sized baked
You get eight ounces of your choice of barbacoa, carnitas,brcarne asada or pollo asado. For non-meat eaters, there’s abrvegetariano option. A variety of toppings including grilledbronions, pico de gallo, and sour cream are available to suit all tastebrbuds. Tortillas, which come raw from South Texas, are grilled,brnever
“You won’t see fajitas in Mexico. It’s carne asada or pollobrasado,” Salinas says. “Asada means grilled. Carne is beef andbrpollo is chicken. Sometimes people get confused by that, but webrtry to stay as authentic as we can.”br
Simplicity is a common theme across the entire menu atbrFrezko Taco Spot. All the butchering is done in-house; nothing isbrpre-cut. It’s important that the flavor of the meat shines throughbrin each dish, which is why Salinas uses seasonings sparingly inbrthe kitchen. “Meat has its own flavor, and I believe that to thebrfullest,” he says. “Here, you actually taste the beef, chicken andbrpork – not all the seasonings.” Even the guacamole only hasbrthree ingredients to let the avocado flavor speak for
But don’t expect to eat that guac with a heaping moundbrof tortilla chips. This restaurant doesn’t serve chips and“That’s an American thing,” Salinas says. Instead, patrons arebrserved a cup of spicy bean soup, Frijoles Charros. It’s cookedbrfrom scratch with bacon and a bit of heat, and it’s served as anbrappetizer before the meal. You won’t have to wait long for thebrmain event, though. Food is hand-delivered to your table in fivebrto 10
When it comes to beverages, the restaurant offers bottledbrsodas that use pure cane syrup from Mexico. Or, if you want tobrtreat yourself, try an ice-cold beer or authentic sangria, and enjoybryour meal on the
When you’re done, the staff clears your table so you can sitbrback and relax. “I want to make sure all customers know they’rebrwelcome,” Salinas
If you’re craving some authentic south-of-the-border flavor inbra welcoming environment, you can get it right here in Southlake.brYou just have to know where to find it.
3105 E. Southlake Blvd.brSouthlake