This flavorful cocktail is a refreshing take on a mojito with a Texas twist.
We can hardly imagine a better summertimebrscenario than dining al fresco with an ice-cold beverage. Take your patiobrpleasure to the next level by sampling one of these local libations.
ThebrFarmer's Tan, Four Seasons
Available untilbrSept. 13, this custom creation came out of collaboration between David McIntyrebrand James Tidwell, the respective bar manager and master sommelier at FourbrSeasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Colinas. With ingredients like Stingray spicedbrrum (made in Carrollton) and homegrown jalapenos, basil leaves and cilantrobrfrom executive chef Christof Syre's herb garden, all infused with lime juice plusbra splash of club soda, this flavorful cocktail is a refreshing take on a mojitobrwith a Texas twist. $13.
ThebrSouthlake Voodoo, Truluck's
Fresh crab and perfectly prepared steaksbraren't the only scrumptious items available at Truluck's. The restaurant boastsbran extensive cocktail list on their bar menu, and we're worshipping one inbrparticular. At the heart of the Southlake Voodoo is Bombay Sapphire gin infusedbrwith ingredients including juniper berries, lemon peel, coriander, almonds andbrliquorice. Truluck's mix-masters then add ginger and lime juice and garnish thebrdrink with ripe blackberries for a uniquely well-balanced beverage. $13 regularbrprice, $6.50 during happy hour.
MambobrTaxi, Mi Cocina and Taco Diner
Locals knowbrMCrowd Restaurant Group's Mi Cocina and Taco Diner. Both are located inbrSouthlake Town Square and both serve up some of the freshest, most appetizingbrTex-Mex you'll ever eat. Each restaurant also offers the Mambo Taxi, theirbrsignature frozen margarita. Made with 100-percent blue agave Sauza Blancobrtequila swirled with a hint of house-made sangria, this legendary invention is abrpotently smooth blend that's the perfect accessory to a hot summer day. $8.
ThebrGin's Up, TruFire
This tipple is the perfect complement tobrTruFire's Mediterranean-, Italian- and globally-inspired plates. Made withbrHendrick's gin infused with rose and cucumber in the distillery's Scotlandbrlocation, splashes of sweetened lime juice and served with cucumbers and orangebrsegments, The Gin's Up is sure to be a customer favorite at the restaurant'sbrnew Southlake Town Square location (check out our review on page 80). TruFirebrmakes their own sour and syrups, and each cocktail is handcrafted and servedbrwith fresh fruit. $10.
BloodybrMary, FnG Eats
One of FnG Eats' many chef-inspired, classicallybrprepared cocktails is their distinctively spicy Bloody Mary. Made withbrChile-infused Ketel One vodka and garnished with crispy jalapeno bacon and tastybrcream-cheese-stuffed olives, it's not your typical tomato concoction. Pair itbrwith dishes from the restaurant's brunch menu like the California Benedict — shavedbrsmoked turkey, artichokes and poached eggs over wood-grilled focaccia toppedbrwith avocado and Béarnaise — and your palate will thank you. $9.