In Oak Cliff, just outside the trendy Bishop ArtsbrDistrict, lies a new gem – or should we say flowerbr– called Pink Magnolia, serving upscale comfortbrfood with a sassy
The month-old restaurant is a joint venturebrbetween two local ladies taking the Dallas foodbrscene by storm – Chef Blythe Beck, an industrybrfrontrunner and television sweetheart with fierybrred hair and a spunky wit, and Casie Caldwell, anbrentrepreneur who started the successful rotatingbrchef concept Kitchen LTO in Dallas. When Beckbrjoined the Kitchen LTO team, Caldwell knewbrtheir collaboration couldn’t end with her
“We were knocking it out of the park at LTO,brand I joked with her that I was never going to letbrher go,” Caldwell
So she didn’t. She knew Beck needed a restau-brrant to call her own. Plus, with names like PaulabrDeen and Bobby Flay asking Beck where her res-brtaurant was, she too figured it was time to say, “What if?” It wasn’t long before Pink Magnoliabrwas born, and the duo opened its doors in Sep-brtember.
br br brThe restaurant has already developed a repu-brtation among Dallas foodies – not only due tobrthe big names working behind the scenes, butbrfor its exceptional cuisine. As seen on her showbrThe Naughty Kitchen with Chef Blythe Beck, thebrchef infuses her “naughty philosophy” into
“I cook with lots of love,” Beck says. “And, itbrjust so happens that love at Pink Magnolia tastesbrlike bacon, butter and booze!”br
While you’ll see plenty of the three B’s on thebrmenu, you’ll find so much more. Starters includebrLobster Jalapeño Hush Puppies with creole mus-brtard aioli and Texas Lamb Chop Lollipops withbrchimichurri sauce and baby
brFor your entrée, choose from options likebrChicken Fried Ribeye with naughty creamedbrcorn and braised mustard greens and Brown Sugar “Mopped” Pork Porterhouse with apple sausage stuff-bring and sautéed green beans. Or, go for the Cayenne GarlicbrShrimp & Grits for a classic dish with a kick.
br br brIf that doesn’t have your mouth watering, wait untilbryour eyes catch the dessert section – the Chocolate FudgebrWaffle with peanut butter ice cream, chocolate ganachebrand seared bananas foster is a chef
“I love making dishes that you recognize and that youbrremember – I just make them a little bit naughty. I neverbrwant people to have to use a dictionary to read my menu...brI want people to feel comfortable and familiar,” Beck
To drink, choose from Pink Magnolia’s extensive winebrlist, or try one of their inventive cocktails. In keeping withbrthe southern comfort vibe, cocktails are simple, yet elevat-bred, including lots of fruit. The “Blackberry on Rye” is madebrwith Redemption Rye Whiskey, sweet red wine, lemon andbrmuddled blackberries, plus ingredients like agave, house-brmade Angostura sugar cubes and even raspberry jam to stirbrin some
While the food is nostalgic of home cooking – thebrrestaurant even encourages guests to submit familybrrecipes on its website, from which Beck will choose a fewbrto “sassify” each Sunday – the atmosphere takes a stepbrtoward modern and trendy. With bright green seat cushions,brlight wood floors and large open windows, Pink Magnoliabrcreates an upscale, chic dining experience while main-brtaining the comfort factor. It’s a balance perhaps achievedbrthrough the two ladies’ distinct
“[Caldwell] is all about spreadsheets, lists and calendars,brand I write recipes on beverage napkins, cardboard boxesbrand envelopes,” Beck says. Caldwell adds with a laugh, “I’mbrnot the best cook. I’m the business side of the equation.”br
However different their day-to-day responsibilities maybrbe, they’re on the exact same wavelength when it comes tobrthe way they treat customers, even foregoing calling guestsbr“customers” for the more familial “company.”br
“My first priority with my company is comfort,” Beckbrsays. “Pink Magnolia is an extension of my home. I wantbrthem to come over often, I want them to come as they are,brand I want to take care of them.”br
It’s an attitude epitomized by the restaurant’s name; thebrmagnolia flower is the symbol of southern strength andbrhospitality. But “pink” carries significance too. Even send-bring her e-mail responses to us at Southlake Style in fuchsiabrfont, Beck says pink is more than a color – it’s a way of lifebrthat involves finding the silver lining in every
“[Beck] is one of the most positive people I have everbrmet,” Caldwell says. “It’s simply how she lives her life andbrhow she treats others. And, she makes me laugh harderbrthan I’ve ever laughed. Getting to work alongside her is thebrbest part about going to work.”br
brShe probably doesn’t complain about the exquisitebrfood she’s surrounded by every day, either. Here at SouthlakebrStyle, we think the drive to Oak Cliff is worth it for justbra taste. You may want to do an extra rep at the gym thebrnext day, but splurging at Pink Magnolia feels like you’rebrenjoying life to the fullest. These two ladies surely are.