As you're packing up for spring break, don't forget this nifty BiKn tracking device.
Looking forward to logging travel time during this month'sbrSpring Break? We know frequent-flyer miles can leave even the most world-wornbrtraveler a little thin. Whether you're flying solo, duo or with a whole clan,brwe've sought out the best in toys, gadgets and technology to aid you forbrwhatever your schedule has in store.
BiKN Tracking Devices
Perhaps a member of your traveling party is prone tobrwandering, or maybe you're just worried about misplacing your travel documents.brBiKN's battery-powered tracking tool can relay its position via radio to an appbron your smartphone, tablet or personal computer. Smartphones can be outfittedbrin sleek cases to locate the lost device, regardless of whether it's turned onbror off. For other items that might grow (or already have) legs and walk off,brlike handbags and children, we recommend the BiKN's tags. They only weigh halfbran ounce, and are so small, they won't be a nuisance. $50 for a pack of two.
Travel BlanKid andbrNeck Pillow
The traveling family is an iconic image—children exhaustedbrfrom travel, heads resting on parents, legs akimbo. Give your kiddo his or herbrown travel pillow in the form of Cabeau Travel's Blankid Buddy. The adorablebrstuffed animal, when unzipped, transforms into a neck pillow with arms reachingbraround the neck to provide support and a 15-by-30-inch blanket that can bebrattached behind legs to hold it snugly in place., $30
Kids Continuous Play Sunscreen Lotion 50 SPF
Endorsed by athletes like Mia Hamm and Steve Nash, Motion's line of sunscreen includes this gem that'll stay put on hard-to-cover areas like noses and necks no matter how much frolicking might be going on. Aloe and Vitamin E-infused, non-greasy and water-resistant, this lotion will keep your future all-star in the game. $8.99,
HyperPlug BatterybrCharger
The market's flooded with battery chargers – but the latest,brgreatest and dearest to our gadget-loving hearts is the HyperPlug. With two USBbrports and a 15,600mAh lithium ion battery, it can extend third-generation iPadbrbattery life by 13 hours (earlier generations by 23 hours) or recharge anbriPhone up to 11 times. With that kind of power, you probably won't need tobrrecharge the battery charger itself, but it's got a retractable wall-plug allbrthe same. Not only is the HyperPlug hyperfunctional, it also sports a sleekbrdesign and comes in a variety of fun colors. $159.99.
SlingBox 500
Don't wait until you get home to catch up on hours of DVRed drama or comedy. Slingbox allows you to not only watch your recorded shows from the road, but also whatever is currently airing in real-time via your smartphone, tablet or computer using the company's SlingPlayer software. The device comes with built in WiFi and attaches via HDMI to your cable set-top box, DVR or satellite receiver. It uses your home router to transmit video in amazing 1080p high-definition clarity to your device wherever you are. You'll never have to miss a Rangers game or episode of Law and Order again. Slingbox, $299.99.
Nikon CoolPix AW110
We've yet to find a camera more durable and useable thanbrNikon's latest waterproof CoolPix offering. It's waterproof up to 60 feet,brshockproof up to 7 feet and freeze-proof down to 14 degrees – so it canbrprobably handle a snorkeling adventure as well the trials younger ones are surebrto put it through. WiFi and GPS-enabled, the device employs a user-friendlybrinterface that make it easy for travelers to stay connected with the folk backbrhome. Nikon, $349.95.
Parrot Zik NoisebrCancelling Wireless Headphones
Designed by Phillippe Starck, these Parrot Zik headphonesbrdeliver much more than good looks. Bluetooth-enabled they offer the latest inbrnoise-canceling technology, touch-pad controls on the right ear-cup (volume,brpause, play and track skipping) and four microphones for clear conversationbrwhen used as a headset. Motion sensors detect when the headphones are takenbroff, pausing the music for you, or you can use the downloadable app on yourbrsmartphone, tablet or computer. For anyone who wants to reduce the nuisance ofbrwires and background noise, these headphones are a must. Parrot, $399.99.