Greg Stringellow, a 2013brSouthlake Carroll graduate, has been named to the University of Missouri'sbrdistinguished Mizzou '39. The coveted award is given annually by the MizzoubrAlumni Association Student Board to 39 seniors across all academic disciplinesbrto honor scholastic achievement as well as leadership and service to Mizzou andbrthe community.
Founded in 1839, Mizzoubrowes its existence to the 900 citizens of Boone County who together pledged morebrthan $117,000 in cash and land in support of the University. This spirit ofbrservice, which remains at the heart of the university, is the inspirationbrbehind Mizzou '39. Honorees are chosen through an extensive selection processbrthat includes applications and interviews with Mizzou faculty, staff andbralumni. Those chosen for this award are regarded as the top of their graduatingbrclasses and join an exclusive group of alumni.
“The University ofbrMissouri has become my home during the last four years,” Stringfellow said in abrpress release. “The school has changed my life in many ways, and to think thatbrI was able to give back to the university is extremely humbling. I am sobrgrateful for all of the amazing students and faculty that I have had thebrpleasure of working with.”
A finance and bankingbrmajor, Stringfellow established himself as a leader on campus as a TrulaskebrCollege of Buisness Student Ambassador, a member of the Cornell LeadershipbrProgram and a University of Missouri Football Team staff member. In addition,brhe was named as one of 14 distinguished freshmen by the secret honor societybrOmicron Delta Kappa.