Danielle Chagnot, Dawson Middle Schoo. Photo courtesy of MySouthlakeNews.com
Three Carroll ISD middle school students received scholarships recently from the Bobby Bragan Youth Foundation.
Two students from Carroll Middle School and one student from Dawson were named winners in this year’s scholarship competition. The students were named among 234 finalists and 37 winners across the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Josette Chang and Amanda Piyapanee from Carroll Middle School and Danielle Chagnot from Dawson Middle School will each receive a $2,500 college scholarship and a banner to display inside their school for a year. The students were recognized at the foundation's annual Scholarship Celebration held on April 19 at UT Arlington.
Josette Chang. Photo courtesy
of MySouthlakeNews
Amanda Piyapanee. Photo
courtesy of MySouthlakeNews
In all, 142 schools located in 22 independent school districts and three charter schools were given the chance to submit two finalists each for consideration. This year the foundation received a record number of 234 scholarship applications from 122 schools and one charter school.
The Bobby Bragon Youth Foundation Scholarship Application process is open to all 8th graders each year. For more information, please visit :http://www.bobbybragan.org/
Story originally appeared on MySouthlakeNews.com