Roughly four years in the making, the DFW Connector is nearing completion nearly nine months ahead of schedule.
According to NorthGate Constructors the $1.02 billionbrproject should be completely finished by the end of October— nearly nine monthsbrahead of schedule. Designed and constructed under a comprehensive developmentbragreement (CDA) between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) andbrNorthGate Constructors, the DFW Connector Project began construction inbrFebruary of 2010.
The timely completion of the project was due mostly in partbrto its design-build process. In this time and cost saving practice,brconstruction begins where design is complete while future plans are developedbrfor other areas of the project are developed in parallel.
Roughly four years in the making, the DFW Connector includesbrmassive improvements to 8.4 miles of four highways, two interchanges and abrtotal of five bridges. Two flyover lanes have already lightened the load forbrtravelers on SH121 and SH114 easing congestion and the need to take William D.brTate Avenue to switch between highways.