By: Robert Halliman Staff Intern
Dragon Football fans have yet another reason to be excitedbrabout the mysteries of next seasons post Kenny Hill era. After recently winningbrthe 5A state UIL Cup for the second consecutive year, Southlake Carroll hasbradded another championship trophy to the Dragon collection, winning thebrDivision 1 Adidas 7 on 7 state tournament. brAfter a fast pace weekend in which the Dragons went an undefeated 5-0brthroughout the tournament, the Carroll Varsity 7 on 7 team completed thebrmission defeating a Houston Stratford team that finished runner up in thebrtournament for the second consecutive year, 46-27.
Led by first year junior quarterback Ryan Agnew, receiver Keaton Duhon and a playmaking defensebrthat features returning starter Adaryan Jones, Steven Bergmark and J.B.brCopeland, the Dragons were able to take home their second 7 on 7 state title inbrschool history. Like most of the tournament the theme of blowouts seemed to bebrin full effect in the championship game, as the Dragons dominated a Stratford programbrthat produced the likes of Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck. Afterbrscoring 28 unanswered points the Dragons took a commanding 40-13 lead as abrresult of a costly Stratford interception that was returned for a touchdown,brthe rest was history as Southlake cruised the rest of the way. Relying on a steady hand from quarterbackbrRyan Agnew, Southlake Carroll's only test was provided by another Houston team,brCy Fair that resulted in a 40-33 win in the round of 16. Carroll's veteran receiving core rose to thebroccasion as senior, Keaton Duhon led the way, followed by great production frombrreturning starters Luke Timian, Ryan Weigel. brAlthough this is just the tip of the iceberg things are looking brightbrin Dragon country.