Southlake Tennis Center Hosts "Serve for Care" Benefit
Submitted by Tracy Southers
Continuing thebrmomentum of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Southlake Tennis Center is hosting Serve for Care Tennis Benefit November 12-14brfrom 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit Cancer Care Services (CCS), a non-profit center in Fort Worth that provides financial and emotional support to cancer victims and their families.brThe funds will be designated for local women in Tarrant County who are beingbrtreated for breast cancer.
According to MiabrGordon-Poorman, general manager for Southlake Tennis Center, CCS was selected because she wants to ensure the money stayed in thebrlocal community. CCS helped more than 600 breast cancer clients during 2012 bybrproviding medication, transportation, nutritional supplements, and other formsbrof financial assistance.
"I can'tbrimagine having to fight breast cancer while also worrying about how-to pay forbrmedication, insurance and basic necessities," explains Gordon-Poorman,brnoting this is the fifth year Southlake Tennis Center has hosted a benefit tobrraise money for breast cancer. "We want to show our support for breastbrcancer in a big way and CCS will make sure the money gets to the women in ourbrcommunity who really need it.
Serve for Care is a set partner doublesbrevent with 3.5A/B players competing November 12; 4.0A/B players November 13;brand 3.0 A/B players November 14. Each team will play in a round robin with thebrwinners from each division playing in the finals. A light breakfast, snack andbrlunch will be provided each day. A silent auction, raffle and awardsbrpresentation will take place each day at 1:00 p.m.
Servebrfor Care is open to all qualified players. The cost to play is a $50 donation to CCS; registration deadline is November 1. Register at Southlake Tennis Center or US Tennis Association (tournamentbr#800050113), or for more information, call 817-421-5605.