Southlake real estate broker Roxann Taylor brought Engel & Völkers to Texas back in 2014 when she opened the company’s 28thbrlocation in North America. Now, the high-end real estate brand has expanded tobr34 countries and has 150 locations spread throughout the continent.
Taylor is moving that growth forward by announcing plans tobropen new locations throughout the DFW Metroplex, on top of her Southlake andbrFlower Mound shops.
“We are in the midst of an exciting turning point in ourbrbusiness,” Taylor says via press release. “The real estate transaction remainsbran intricate one, and I believe our clients deserve true real estate advisorsbr(agents) to take care of every facet of their needs down to the very lastbrdetail. While other companies reduce personal attention, we arebrpositioned better than ever to offer a concierge level of service that isbrsynonymous with Engel & Völkers globally to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplexbrarea.”
To fuel their growth, Taylor has brought on two newbrexecutive hires to roll out her expansion and added a sales group. James Keoughan, previously with Sotheby'sbrInternational Realty, has joined the Southlake shop as a business partner andbrdirector of sales. Charles Honeycutt also joins the Engel & Völkers team asbrthe director of operations.
Keoughan has lived in Southlake with his wife and childrenbrfor two decades and has found local success as an agent. Honeycutt, anbrentrepreneur with more than 15 years of sales management experience working forbrFortune 200 companies, sees great potential for Engel & Völkers to become abrstaple in the booming market of DFW. Taylor also welcomes the Jenkins Group,brformerly of Sotheby's International Realty, to Engle & Völkers DallasbrSouthlake.
Engel & Völkers, originally founded in Hamburg, Germany inbr1977 as a real estate specialty boutique, includes a global network of realbrestate experts who are known for finding people's dream homes. Taylor provesbrthat by continuing to keep her local clients satisfied while developing abrlarger network of DFW real estate professionals.