Dallas Market Hall 2200 Stemmons Freeway Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75207
The annual SOUTHWEST RV SUPERSHOW, September 13-16 is North Texas’ largest travel show with the latest innovations, technology and advancements in RV life and travel. Shoppers who take advantage of attending the SOUTHWEST RV SUPERSHOW will experience the most affordable and value-packed options in 2019 models and 2018 close-outs. Low interest rates and aggressive show-only pricing make RV travel an affordable lifestyle. More than 400 units are on display throughout 350,000 square feet of display space, plus additional displays in the parking lot area. Each day of the show offers a variety of seminars on RV ownership and vendors with the latest accessories to enhance RV travels and life. Professionals are on-site to provide financing and insurance scenarios. National manufacturers are represented by regional dealer members of the Texas Recreational Vehicle Association which produces the multiday event.