High School & Beyond Info Meeting
Getting Kids Ready and Into College!
Makarios Community School 1105 West Wall Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051
High School and Beyond Info Night: Makarios staff, students and dual-credit TCCD coordinators will share valuable information for High School students and their families at our High School & Beyond Event on March 8, 2018 at 7pm. At Makarios we support students in becoming innovative, responsible, and empowered adults who are equipped to create their own unique path to fulfillment and success. The goal of education at Makarios is to equip students to be well-informed and well-rounded critical thinkers with knowledge across a wide variety of practical topics—with an emphasis on the student’s key areas of interest. Staff perform regular evaluations to review student progress and help families achieve the academic goals customized for each student. The focus is on competency rather than grades and test scores. Students are offered university style high school programs, the opportunity to take college prep tests, dual-credit classes, and receive mentoring to create a college or career transition plan that addresses their goals.