Summerbris one of the busiest times of the year for outdoor recreation and travel.brFamily vacations, parties, barbecues, sporting events, beaches and other familybroutings are lots of fun but they can all increase the potential for accidents.brThere are, however, easy and useful things you can do right now to betterbrprotect your property and the people you care about.
Smartbrsafety tips
Four ways you can help make your home and auto safer:
- Check yourbr vehicle’s tires — Who said a penny isn’t valuable? Inspect your tires for unusualbr wear and use a penny to check tire tread. Place the penny headfirst intobr several tread grooves across the tire. If the top of Lincoln’s head isbr visible, it’s time to get new tires.
- Use safe grillingbr practices — Only barbecue outdoors with grill placed away from your home, deckbr railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches. Keep yourbr grill clean — remove grease or fat buildup from the racks and in traysbr below the grill. Never leave your grill unattended and keep children andbr pets away from your cooking area.
- Inspect yourbr swimming pool — With warmer weather arriving, it’s time to hit the pool. If yourbr pool has been out of use for the winter, be sure all equipment is inbr proper working order before anyone goes in. Review the usual safety tipsbr with youngsters and be sure: no one swims alone; there’s always a cordlessbr phone or cellphone nearby; children stay away from drains, pipes or otherbr openings. Consider taking a first aid/CPR class or renewing yourbr certification to be sure you’re current.
- Prepare forbr emergencies — If you don’t have an emergency plan, consider developing one nowbr before an actual emergency happens. Every member of your household shouldbr know what to do in the event of a tornado, wildfire, hurricane,br earthquake, flood or other disaster that may occur. For more informationbr on disaster planning call me or visit
Preparebrfor the unexpected
I hope you’ll put the safety/accident-prevention tips above into practice, butbrthey don’t come with guarantees. No matter how well you plan, howbrsafety-conscious you are, the unexpected can occur. That’s when you’ll want tobrhave life insurance. Call me and I canbrshow you how to help protect your loved ones even if something happens to you.

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We're authorities on insurance, and will assist you in determining what fits your needs best. We'll quote any type of insurance you need — large or small, we can handle it for you.
As your personal Farmers agent, my staff and I are always ready come to your assistance quickly and personally. We provide superior personalized, professional service, and, of course, you can depend on the insurance coverage we provide.