Taking time to unplug is just as important as crossing items off the never-ending To Do List
Face it folks. Stress will find you.
It doesn't matter how manybrchai lattes you sit and sip while listening to the latest single by NorahbrJones.
Stress won't stay at bay evenbrif you hire a personal assistant to pick up the dry cleaning, address the ‘thankbryou' cards and bathe the dog.
Stress is that thing youbrcan't escape... Especially if you are a parent, stay at home or work outsidebrthe home, live in an urban community, have siblings, elderly parents, maintainbra household, relationships, a budget, commute during rush hour, keep up withbrkids busy schedules, plan dinners, vacations and date nights… etc. etc.
I could keep going, but Ibrthink you get my drift.
My own biggest stressor isbrone I tend to create myself. It comesbrfrom an inability to say a tiny, little word – no.
Well… I can say it. I just need to say it a little more often.
As a local news personality Ibroften get asked to speak to various groups, serve as mistress of ceremonies forbrevents, visit schools and speak to students. brI count these opportunities among my greatest blessings. It's an honor to be considered for them and Ibrwish I could spend more time doing it.
As you can imagine… thebrchallenge is finding the time for it all.
That is… time for my family,brmy full-time job as a reporter for FOX 4 News and community service. With the former… I wear a few different hats. I'm a wife and mom, not to mention abrdaughter, sister and home-girl with many friends whom I adore throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
The best way for me tobrcounter stress is to balance and prioritize everything. If I don't… anbroverwhelming sense of anxiety will get the best of me.
To this end-- I make listsbrfor everything to stay organized and keep up with requests. More importantly I'm learningbrto say, ‘no' a little more, especially when a request conflicts with familybrplans or a lack of rest… which leads me to the way I started this post.
Everyone needs a zone thatbrimplies, “This space intentionally left blank!”
We have to take time tobrunplug. Designate a time to dobrnothing. Don't text anyone, check emailbror answer calls. Instead, do somethingbryou consider soothing and relaxing. Takebra bubble bath go for a walk at one of the many nature trails throughout your surroundingbrcommunities.
I can spend just a fewbrminutes quietly taking in the sights and sounds at Southlake's Bob Jones NaturebrCenter and Preserve and feel an almost immediate calm coming over me.
Find your “calm,” and enjoybrit for 15 minutes or 2 hours. It's up tobryou… whatever makes you happy and feeling de-stressed. That's the key.
So now it's your turn to identifybrthe stressor(s) in your life. Once you do…brI challenge you to design a plan to counter it. brTrust me… you'll be glad you did.
Dionne Anglin is a TV news reporter with FOX 4 News. She, her husband, daughter and their rambunctious dog, a one-year old Vizsla, live in North Keller. Dionne is always looking for new ways to explore her North Tarrant County community… and that often includes the lure of new restaurants, shops and jogging at different parks—but also the quest for locating cozy spots to enjoy coffee and plain old people watching. Check out her blog to keep up with her adventures in maintaining a career and “mom-dom” with a unique sense of style at Reporter Mom.