Parents:brWant to know what your teens don't want you to know? Make plans to attend LibertybrChristian School's Parent Survival Seminar on Thursday, September 28 at 8:30 a.m. Called “WhatbrTeens Don't Want You to Know,” the event is free and open to the public. LibertybrChristian hosted the same seminar in February and has brought it back for abrmorning session to help accommodate parents' schedules.
LibertybrChristian's head counselor, Dr. Bridget Melson, PsyD., MFT, will lead thebrseminar and include topics such as the following: Survival Tips and Tools forbrToday's Parents; Sex, Drugs, and Social Media — How They Affect the Brain;brDifferent Challenges Today's Teens Face; Coping Methods and Feelings AboutbrImage; and Things Teens are Doing that You Need to Know.
Dr.brMelson has worked in education and with teens in private practice for more thanbr25 years, holding a master's in counseling psychology and a doctorate in psychology.
Mostbrrecently, Dr. Melson completed a post-doctorate program at Duke University thatbrearned her a certificate in medical neuroscience. She also completed a seven-weekbrcertification course in understanding addiction on a deeper level, enabling herbrto better recognize the signs of addictive personalities so she can help othersbrbe proactive, providing ways to stop impending addictive behaviors.
Herbrstudy of the brain this past summer through Duke University included brainbrdevelopment and what students can do to use it to its fullest potential.
Interestedbrin “What Teens Don't Want You to Know?” RSVP here. Due to the sensitive contentbrmatter, the event is for adults only.