Operation Kindness is on abrmission to help the hundreds of displaced pets following the devastation ofbrHurricane Harvey. The Carrollton shelter is working with the SPCA of Texas andbrThe Humane Society of the United States to prevent overcrowding in affectedbrshelters and to collect food for its Operation Kindness Pet Food Pantry.
“We have teamed up with thebrSPCA of Texas and The Humane Society of the United States to help ensure thatbrpets displaced by Hurricane Harvey will have space in local shelters to becomebrreunited with their families,” said Jim Hanophy, CEO of Operation Kindness, viabrpress release. “Our aim is to initiate our network of foster families to helpbrrelieve overcrowding in the affected shelters and to help find forever homesbrfor the animals that are currently available for adoption.”
Animal shelters inbrdisaster-affected communities are seeking the help of North Texan neighbors in safebrzones across the Metroplex to provide shelter for adoptable pets coming from sheltersbrin the affected areas—specifically to make room for the influx of petsbrdisplaced by the storms and during evacuations. To help with this matter, OperationbrKindness is mobilizing its network of trained foster volunteers to take in petsbrfor two to four weeks, enabling them to relax and recover from trauma in abrloving foster home. Each animal brought to the no-kill animal shelter willbrreceive a medical exam and behavioral evaluation before it is paired with abrfoster family. Animals that have a clean bill of health and are prepared forbradoption will be available immediately.
The Operation Kindness PetbrFood Pantry is collecting donations of pet food and kitty litter, which it willbrprovide to people who evacuated from Southeast Texas to Dallas-Fort Worth andbrhave their pets remaining with them. Current needs include:
• Dry and Canned Dog Food
• Dry and Canned Cat Food
• Puppy Food
• Kitten Food
• Puppy and Kitten Formula
• ID Wet
• KD Wet
• Cat litter
Citizens can drop offbrdonations at Operation Kindness, located at 3201 Earhart, Carrollton.
For more on how to helpbrOperation Kindness provide relief, visit OperationKindness.org.