I hear it all the time—commentsbrlike “We put customers first!” and “The customer is always right!”
The idea of taking carebrof customers is a sound one for sure, but if as a core value you put yourbrcustomers before your employees what happens? Here are my thoughts.
If as a company core value you put your customers before your employees, your employees will put themselves first. Think about that….If they believe as a culture they come after the customer in your eyes, they will then have to protect their own agenda. Almost naturally puts them in a defensive posture.
Try this paradigm shift. Putbryour employees first. By doing this outwardly, this will make them stick up forbrtheir customers. They don’t have tobrwatch their own backs because you are. It’sbra simple idea. I am certainly not the first to try it, and I hope I am not thebrlast!
Here is a short video ofbrthe Dallas Lease Returns employees—the most important people to DLR.
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