Local children received help at KMI's annual Around the Block event held each November at Kohl's in Southlake.
Making a New Year'sbrResolution to Benefit Others
Written by Lana Ebersole
Sponsored by Advantage Air Services
It is that time again, the start of a new year. For some ofbrus, this is a good moment to reflect on the last 12 months, and for others itbrmarks a time of change and resolutions.
For us at Kids Matter, the New Year is a time for bothbrreflection and resolutions. When we reflect on all that has happened the lastbr12 months, we have so much to be thankful for. Good people doing great thingsbrfor children in need surround us as a charity. Our mission of helping childrenbrin crisis continues to grow inside the hearts of our partners, volunteers,brboard of directors, staff and supporters. It was a grace-filled, life-changingbryear and for this we are grateful. As for our resolutions, they are constantbrand simple: To continue to spread awareness about the children in our localbrcommunities that are in endless need of help, while increasing our supportersbrin the efforts to change and impact more children and their families.
As each new year approaches, some people look for sources ofbrinspiration. We want our heart strings to be pulled in a new direction and ourbrmind and body to be motivated to do better. Let Kids Matter and the children inbrneed be your inspiration.
Through our seven years as a non-profit organization helpingbrchildren in crisis, we continue to see an overwhelming amount of disadvantagedbrchildren who are in need of clothes, food, school supplies, educationalbrprograms and other essential necessities. Each year we try to expand our programsbrto reach more children with the help of donations and fundraising events.brAnnually, we kick-off our fundraising efforts with our Fruit of the Vine Galabrin February. This event sets the stage for the rest of the year and allows ourbrprograms to grow. It is an evening to reflect and celebrate the impact ourbrprograms had on the children and communities, while also remembering that ourbrwork to help the children is never done. Start the year off by giving back in abrbig way while having fun by attending our annual Gala. Become a supporter andbrjoin us in serving the children of your community and around the world.
This year's Fruit of the Vine Gala will transport you to thebrglamorous Monte Carlo. This dazzling evening will feature a seated Frenchbrgourmet cuisine dinner, premium cocktail bars, casino, silent and live auction,brand live entertainment. Join us on February 21 at the Hilton Southlake TownbrSquare. For more information visit Kids Matter International.
Happy New Year from all of us at Kids Matter International. Webrwish you a prosperous and glorious coming year.
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