January marks the month that all gyms and fitness centers get a bit more populated. Beat the crowds by opting to workout in the comfort of your own home. Whether fitness was part of your New Year's resolution or you've been working out for years, further your goals in an inviting environment. If you find that your treadmill now serves as a clothing rod –we've all been there– here are some tips to reviving your workout room.
For many, the phrase “home gym” conjures up images of bulky weight-lifting equipment, an elliptical and a forever-in-the-way exercise ball. (Seriously, where do you store those things?) However, healthy exercise doesn't always require excessive grunting and slamming down of weights. If that's your style, go for it. But for those who would rather “om” than “augh,” we have some advice on setting up the perfect meditative home yoga studio.
The beauty of yoga is that it can be done almost anywhere –seriously, yogis are stretching atop horses now–and it requires very little equipment. That said, we recommend creating an environment that allows you to relax. First, pick a room with great natural light. Home gyms tend to get tucked away in the cave-like room of the house, but we would argue that your media room would benefit more from a lack of large windows. If no such room is available, opt to putting the lights on a dimmer. This may seem excessive, but it's worth it if it helps you clear your mind of day-to-day stress.
Once you select the perfect space, add some mirrors. This allows you to see if you are indeed stretching correctly. If you don't think it is too cheesy, hang a tapestry or painting that inspires you. Include some candles or incense. This is your space to breathe, practice and get in shape–both mentally and physically.
If you prefer the traditional home-gym, there are still plenty of ways to update it and keep it organized. Redeem your floor space by taking advantage of what are probably the barest walls of your home. Add shelves to hold mats and dumbbells. Slatwall panels provide a way to customize space between shelves and allow for unique hanging storage options, such as baskets or hooks. Once again, don't be afraid to hang a picture or two. Add some color wherever you can. Perhaps if home gyms looked a little more inviting, we'd all visit spend a bit more time in them.