Installing a carbon monoxide detector in bedrooms will help keep your family safe from this "silent killer"
Sponsored by Berkeys Air Conditioning and Plumbing
Written by Adam Mennega, Service Manager, Berkeys
While it's important to stay warm andbrcomfortable in the winter months, it's also crucial that your furnace not onlybrruns well, but also stays maintained to keep your energy bills low and yourbrfamily safe. Below are some important tips on how to keep your furnace runningbrefficiently as well as things you can do to avoid problems.
Typesbrof Furnaces
You should check to see what kind of furnacebryou have installed in your house. This can help you prevent problems and knowbrwhat to do when it's not working right. If you're looking to replace your oldbrfurnace or install a new one, Berkeys technicians can help you recommend thebrright size and kind of furnace for your home.
1. GasbrFurnaces
This kind of furnace uses a burner with a pilot light for its heat source andbris the most commonly used furnace in the US. Gas furnaces come in differentbrvarieties including single stage, where the flame is either on or off, or multi-stage,brwhere the intensity of the flame is regulated by the thermostat to keepbrtemperature level.
2. ElectricbrFurnaces
If your home was built in an area where there is no access to natural gas,brchances are you likely have an electric furnace. The concept here is similar tobrthat of a gas-furnace, but the heat source is made up of a series of coils thatbrare heated by electricity rather than gas.
3. HeatbrPump
Another common furnace, especially here in the South, is a heat pump, whichbruses heat from the ground or outside and converts that into heat for your home.brHeat pumps are also used for air conditioning in the summer, by reversing thebrprocess and releasing the heat to the outside, rather than into your home.
Proper maintenance makes all the differencebrand can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. The older a furnace, thebrmore susceptible it is to issues and not maintaining a newer furnace can causebrproblems down the road. Most basic maintenance includes simple things you canbrdo yourself.
In Texas, we don't use our furnaces as muchbras in other parts of the country, so it's crucial you perform some basicbrmaintenance:
Carbon Monoxide
Known as the “silent killer”, Carbon Monoxide is a colorless and odorless gasbrand is estimated to be responsible for 200 deaths annually due to improperlybrfunctioning furnaces. Therefore it's important you have a functioning carbonbrmonoxide detector in your home. The best place to install these is in bedrooms.brEach detector is different – some operate on batteries, in which case you needbrto test the unit to make sure it's running properly, while others plug into anbroutlet. Either way, you should always make sure your carbon monoxide detectorbris working properly.
Carbon monoxide is caused when the furnace inbryour home has dirt or dust in the heating element. Burning of this materialbrreleases the toxic gas. It's best to have your furnace checked annually forbrthis type of issue. At Berkeys, we offer a very affordable and comprehensive maintenance plan that will keep all yourbrHVAC equipment well maintained and your family safe.
Pilot Light
Gas furnaces usually either have a lit pilotbrlight (common on older models) or an electric pilot light. On older models,brespecially after a long summer, you should check to see if this is lit.brOtherwise your furnace will stick kick on, but only blow cold air. On newer gasbrfurnace, an electric pilot light ignites the gas only when needed. If you can'tbrlight the pilot light yourself, or don't feel safe doing so, always consult a professional.
Thermostat Batteries
All thermostats have batteries, either forbrbackup or regular operation. If your furnace won't activate, even after you'vebrset the temperature, there's a good chance your thermostat needs new batteries.
Fuse, or power switch
Electric furnaces (and some gas furnaces) arebralso connected to a power switch and fuse. The power switch usually looks likebra light switch attached to your furnace (see the image in the gallery below).brIf your furnace doesn't turn on, first check if the power switch is on and ifbrthe fuse is on. If both are on and the furnace still won't turn on, you'll needbrto either call a professional, or if you're in an older home, check to see ifbrthe fuse has burnt out.
Air Filter
Always make sure the air filter is changed atbrleast every 3 months. This helps maintain the airflow to the furnace.
Check for other signs
Check for burn marks, rust, or leaks aroundbrthe furnace. Some high-efficiency furnaces will have a condensate drain thatbrwill either drain into the floor, or to the outside. Make sure you check forbrrust and/or mildew around the drain. As part of all of our furnace and ACbrmaintenance, we always check and clean the condensate drain and treat it tobrprevent mold or other issues.
Signsbrof a malfunctioning furnace
There are several signs that can tell youbrthat your furnace is acting up or not working properly and you should takebraction right away if you encounter any of these:
1. “Woofing”brSound
When a furnace gets dirty or has a malfunctioning heating element, sometimesbrgas can build up causing the furnace to sputter when ignited. We've even seenbrcases where a furnace was literally spitting fire into the surrounding space.brCall us immediately if your furnace does this.
2. Squealingbror grinding noise
When running, if your furnace makes a squealing or grinding noise, there's abrgood chance that your blower motor either needs maintenance or is on it's waybrout.
3. Burningbrsmell
Some older furnaces will produce a slight burning smell after not having beenbrrun for several months. If you notice a strong burning smell however, or evenbrsee smoke emanating from your ducts, immediately turn off the furnace, leavebryour home and call a professional! You may also want to call the firebrdepartment in case your furnace has caught fire!
Whenbrit's time to maintain your furnace and to replace it.
At Berkeys we recommend regular maintenancebron your furnace at least twice a year. This way you can be sure everythingbrworks correctly and you'll save money on your energy bills and potentialbrrepairs. We use a 13-step process to check against any possible issues.
We recommend that furnaces 10 years or olderbrbe checked two to three times a year and depending on the age of the unit,brwe'll recommend a replacement.
Maintaining your furnace can help keep youbrand your family safe and save you money, not just on your monthly energy bills,brbut can also save you from having to perform expensive repairs or replacement.
Berkeys is an award winning home servicebrcompany, providing quality plumbing, air conditioning, and heating services tobrhomeowners in the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex for over 35 years.
All of our technicians, arebrbackground-checked, drug tested and have passed rigorous state examinations andbrare licensed by the State of Texas; they understand the complexity of statebrcodes all the way down to local requirements.
Berkeys maintains an A+ rating with thebrBetter Business Bureau (BBB) and has led the field in area newspapers' readers'brfavorite polls.
For more information about Berkeys, visit www.berkeys.com or call 877-BERKEYS
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