We may have not been able to recognize all of our submissions, but our team wanted to shine the light on as many of these adorable animals as possible. So we have extended our contest to include some honorable mentions!

Best Older Sibling: Stella Gaudin
The 12-year-old weimaraner is the oldest and furriest sibling in the Gaudin household and always looks out for her three human siblings. Over the years, she’s been stepped on, had her ears pulled and been generally poked by the rambunctious bunch. Regardless, she loves them and accepts all her interactions with them with open paws and kisses.

Best Model Dog: Murphy Seijo
Murphy was rescued by his mom a year ago after he was found in Port Arthur after Hurricane Harvey hit. Now, this Chihuahua lives a modeling life in Keller thanks to his owner’s gig as a production assistant for an online dog store. So it’s safe to say he’s used to striking a pose.

Best Love Birds: Olive and Elliot Kaplan
We didn’t ask to fall in love with a beautiful set of lovebirds like Olive and Elliot, but this adopted pair of eight-month-old Agapornises wooed our judges with their affinity for long walks around the dining room and playing hide-and-seek.

Best Trick: Snickers Perschall
Other than pretending to be a pup by eating dog food and playing fetch, Snickers, who was rescued by her family last August, can also do cool cat tricks that make her K-9 companion jealous.