What Is The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat?

Six-pack abs are what most people think of when they think about fitness goals, but how hard is it to get that washboard stomach and lose the stubborn belly fat? No number of crunches, sit-ups and twists will result in a flatter stomach. Spot reduction will not work. Targeted exercises don’t result in a flatter stomach. What does it take to lose belly fat?
"Strength Changes Everything" podcast co-hosts Brian Cygan, Exercise Coach founder, and Amy Hudson, an Exercise Coach franchisee, bust the most common myths around losing belly fat and explain the best way to lose belly fat is with strength training and whole-food nutrition.
Losing belly fat is a common goal, and there are mainly two motivations that drive it. The first is achieving a better figure and the second is that excess belly fat is an indication of health issues. Belly fat is linked to insulin resistance and systemic inflammation, and the combination of those things worsens overall health.
We must start with an understanding of why spot reduction and targeted exercises will not work. The first area that you put on fat will be the last area you lose it. For men, it is often the abdomen, and for women, it is usually the hips and thighs. Doing exercises to shrink your belly is not going to change this reality.
The ideal approach to losing belly fat is a combination of strength training and whole-food nutrition. The combination results in focused weight loss, where you are only losing body fat instead of both fat and muscle at the same time.
Most people see a flattening of the stomach after 30 days of whole-food nutrition and strength training. It takes effort and perseverance to see those results, and it may take another 30-60 days to lose belly fat and achieve your body composition goals.
It does not take exercising every day or joint-punishing cardio to transform your body and hormonal health. Smart strength training and whole-food nutrition is all you need to fundamentally change your life. To learn more, listen to episode 116 of "Strength Changes Everything."
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