Dr. Tiffany Anthony and Ms. Terri Maxwell
DFW-basedbrnational nonprofit, Taylor's Gift Foundation, has announced the 2017 honoreesbrfor the third-annual Outlive Yourself Awards: Dr. Tiffany Anthony and Ms. TerribrMaxwell. The women will be honored on September 28 at Union Station in Dallas.
Anthony is a talented transplant surgeon at BaylorbrScott & White in Dallas. A prestigious female transplant surgeon, she isbrrecognized as a trailblazer by being one of approximately 100 female transplantbrsurgeons in the nation. As a transplant surgeon, she works long hours, day andbrnight, to oversee the beautiful orchestration of the gift of life through organbrdonation. She is the definition of selfless, always putting others beforebrherself.
Maxwell is the founder and CEO of Share On PurposebrInc., a multimillion-dollar business cultivator in Dallas. She launches game-changingbrcompanies, while training emerging leaders to run these brands. As a sought-outbrentrepreneurial expert, she prides herself on building companies with abrpurposeful mission. Everything Maxwell does is focused on living her purpose ofbr“inspiring potential” and giving back to her community.
The OutlivebrYourself Awards is an opportunity to celebrate those who have made anbrextraordinary impact and truly embody the “Outlive Yourself” spirit by givingbrback to others. The event was launched in 2015 and is a special night thatbrseeks to celebrate the lives and actions of inspiring individuals while alsobrsupporting the mission and work of Taylor's Gift Foundation.
“Dr. Anthony and Ms. Maxwell are both incredible leadersbrin their respective fields,” said Tara and Todd Storch, founders of Taylor'sbrGift, in a press release. “We are very excited that they were selected for thisbrprestigious award, because both have created a positive and lasting impact onbrthe lives of others.”
Taylor'sbrGift has helped to increase organ donor registrations and is the onlybrorganization of its kind to financially support families touched by organbrdonation through their Legacy Gift program. This unique program assists organbrdonor families with immediate needs such as food, clothing, medical expenses,brutilities, rental assistance, funeral or burial costs.
Proceedsbrfrom the Outlive Yourself Awards will go to support this life-changing programbrand the overall mission of Taylor's Gift Foundation of Regifting Life, RenewingbrHealth and Restoring Families.
Visit TaylorsGift.org for more information.