U.S. Postal Service Breaks All-Time Record in Giving
Stamp Out Hunger Drive benefits GRACE Food Pantry
The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) held its Stamp Out Hunger Campaign earlier this month with the results benefiting GRACE's Client Choice Food Pantry just reported. “The U.S. Postal Services of Grapevine, Colleyville and Southlake donated more than 23,000 pounds of food to GRACE breaking all records for us,” said GRACE Executive Director Shonda Schaefer. “I am touched at the huge response in giving shown by our neighbors through our dedicated letter carriers.”
Donations to the GRACE Food Pantry go to help area residents in need. The total donation of 23,618 pounds of food from select zip codes resulted in 11,466 pounds received from the Grapevine Post Office, 10,553 pounds from the Colleyville Post Office, and 1,599 pounds from the Southlake Post Office. “We at GRACE commend everyone who participated and sincerely thank our letter carriers for their service to their work and community,” Schaefer said. Volunteers from the local ARI, Automotive Resources International, transported and sorted the donations to the GRACE Food Pantry.
According to the NALC, despite the generosity of millions of Americans who have supported the letter carriers' food drive in previous years, the need for food assistance has never been greater. As stated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's annual study measuring food security in the United States, nearly 50 million Americans are living in food insecure homes. “Even though this staggering number points to many inner-city families, we in Northeast Tarrant County have a larger-than-ever number of families needing our help to put dinner on the table every night,” said Schaefer. “This wonderful, much needed donation will help us feed about 60 people over the summer.”
To learn more on how you can help Stamp Out Hunger, visit GRACE Food Pantry.
Pictured: ARI volunteers help unload Stamp Out Hunger donations to GRACE Food Pantry