By Pamela Francis
In this ‘Alternative Southlake’ article we'll explore ways in which Southlake residents are looking beyond established norms in their daily life. This article focuses on alternative medical choices made by Southlake residents. The first article focused on alternative food choices, the next will look at alternative fitness options.
Looking outside the mainstream is not limited to food choices for Southlake residents; it extends to the search for medical providers as well. As part of their search for alternative medical options, several Southlake residents have been visiting the Southlake Wellness Center. This facility is dedicated to “helping patients live abundant lives, full of health and vitality.” The facility offers not only family and preventative medicine, but also natural hormone balancing, nutritional counseling, osteopathic manipulation, detoxification, nutritional and natural therapies and much more. The group reports much success, but is particularly proud of its treatment of a patient in her late thirties diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, who is currently symptom-free.
One patient, Jordon, tells a riveting tale of her treatment at Southlake Wellness. She moved to Fort Worth is September 2009 and was plagued by infections, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, and chronic yeast and sinus infections. She was referred to the Southlake Wellness Center and began treatment with an extensive 27 page questionnaire asking questions ranging from whether or not she was breast-fed to what current medications she was taking. After an extensive analysis she was diagnosed with ‘leaky gut syndrome.’ Apparently the 14 years of antibiotics she took for acne had destroyed her stomach lining and its ability to process good bacteria. This syndrome also involved food allergies, mental fogginess and thyroid issues.
As part of her treatment, she began following the Candida diet. This diet is named after Candida Albicans which is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that is the cause of many undesirable symptoms ranging from fatigue and weight gain, to joint pain and gas. The diet seeks to reduce overgrowths of Candida that are said to be caused by antibiotics, oral contraceptives, diets high in sugar and carbohydrates, stress, alcohol or drugs. To do this, the diet follows three phases including a cleanse, a restricted diet, and then a re-introduction of certain foods.
In addition to following the Candida diet, Eaton received IV treatments from the Southlake Wellness Center and within three months was significantly better. She maintains that her illness is a chronic one, requiring constant monitoring, but with the Center’s help she has had few infections, no aching or pains, and the ability to think clearly. She credits the Center for the collaborative approach and efforts to create complete healing with body and soul. According to Jordan, “this is the first time in my life I’m being the person I was created to be.”
Although Southlake Wellness Center may appear outside the norm of typical medical practices, it boasts a successful record with patients, and at least one patient who believes her life has improved dramatically as a result of this local business’ treatment of her chronic symptoms.
Pamela Francis lives in Southlake with her husband and three children. After receiving her undergraduate and law degrees in the Northeast, she had the good sense to move to Texas in 1993. Since retiring from the practice of law in 2003, Pam has devoted her time to family, friends, charitable work and the elusive goal of keeping a fully stocked refrigerator while there are teenagers in the house.